- Audits – various audit examples are listed
- Audit Strategy & Planning – Develop an audit strategy and schedule based on your organisation requirements.
- Education – On-demand and bespoke education.
Audit Types
We offer a broad range of safety audit types to suit the various needs of business. These include:
- Thirdline Audits – An independent Audit commissioned by the Audit & Risk Committee to evaluate governance, compliance, risk and control effectiveness.
- Bespoke Audits – designed to meet customers unique needs
- Critical Risk Audit – designed to ensure critical safety risks for the business are identified and effectively controlled.
- WHS Legislative Compliance / Due Diligence Audits – scope may include full safety legislative compliance review, or may be scoped to specific safety related legislative areas.
- WHS Contractual Compliance or Supplier Audits – designed to evaluate effectiveness and compliance to contractual requirements or supplier agreements to manage safety risk and compliance.
- WHS Control Effectiveness Verification Audits – designed to review the effectiveness of controls following implementation of new controls or after completion of improvement actions.
- Management Systems Audits – conducted to various standards including, but not limited to; ISO 37000:2021 Governance of Organisations; ISO 31000:2018 – Risk Management; ISO 26000 Social Responsibility; ISO 55000:2014 – Asset management — Overview, principles and terminology; ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety; ISO 14001 Environmental Management System; ISO 9001 – Quality Assurance; National Audit Tool (NAT) – Self Insurance; and Clients own Corporate Standards.
- Gap Analysis & Preparation for Management System Audits – conducted to various standards
Audits scoped on your organisations needs
We tailor our audit scope and approach to suit our client’s needs.
Our audits are conducted by highly experienced professionals with a unique blend of technical, analytical, and soft skills.
Technical skills: Our auditors understand safety management systems, legislative requirements, industry standards and guidance, effective hazard mitigation practices and systems.
Soft Skills: Our auditors are highly experienced in behavioural observation, interviewing and effective communication.
Analytical Skills: Our auditors are highly skilled in analysis of multiple data and evidence types, which enables us to provide highly useful insights on organisational, cultural, and systemic factors and how they impact upon the effectiveness of your safe systems of work.
We welcome the opportunity to have a confidential conversation about your needs.